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Looking for my next
to help people.
The digital way.


This is me

I'm Rick Zweers, an motivated, helpful, excited and active student. I study Communication & Multimedia Design at The Hague University. I'm 20 years old with a passion for football, research and designing. I like to make a change with my designs and solutions, because I really want to help people with their problems. 

User Experience Design  Marketing 

 Usability Testing    Branding   

Social Media



I want to help companies 
with usability & user experience problems.

I'm a really helpful person and that's why I have a passion for my job. I always want the best for the user of my designs. The user experience is one of the most important parts of my designs. I love to engage with the end-users of the product, and try to help them as much as possible. 

Because my passion is helping people, my focus is therefore on user experience design. Nevertheless I also like to work on branding & marketing projects. At last I'm experienced with different kinds of testing methods like Usability Testing & Heuristic Evaluations. 

Clients &


I've worked with a couple of companies & organizations. I got most of my work experience because of an internship at Daily Creations. Within this internship I got to work with a lot of fun companies.

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